Displays a card with header, content, and footer.
Deploy your new project in one-click.
<x-card class="w-[350px]"> <x-card.header> <x-card.title>Create project</x-card.title> <x-card.description>Deploy your new project in one-click.</x-card.description> </x-card.header> <x-card.content> <form> <div class="grid w-full items-center gap-4"> <div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5"> <x-label htmlfor="name">Name</x-label> <x-input id="name" placeholder="name of your project" /> </div> <div class="flex flex-col space-y-1.5"> <x-label htmlfor="framework">Framework</x-label> <x-select id="framework"> <option disabled selected value="" > Select </option> <option value="next">Next.js</option> <option value="sveltekit">SvelteKit</option> <option value="astro">Astro</option> <option value="nuxt">Nuxt.js</option> </x-select> </div> </div> </form> </x-card.content> <x-card.footer class="flex justify-between"> <x-button variant="outline">Cancel</x-button> <x-button>Deploy</x-button> </x-card.footer></x-card>
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=card --force
<x-card> <x-card.header> <x-card.title>Card Title</x-card.title> <x-card.description>Card Description</x-card.description> </x-card.header> <x-card.content> <p>Card Content</p> </x-card.content> <x-card.footer> <p>Card Footer</p> </x-card.footer></x-card>
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@php $notifications = [ (object) [ 'title' => 'Your call has been confirmed.', 'description' => '1 hour ago', ], (object) [ 'title' => 'You have a new message!', 'description' => '1 hour ago', ], (object) [ 'title' => 'Your subscription is expiring soon!', 'description' => '2 hours ago', ], ];@endphp <x-card class="w-[380px]"> <x-card.header> <x-card.title>Notifications</x-card.title> <x-card.description>You have 3 unread messages.</x-card.description> </x-card.header> <x-card.content class="grid gap-4"> <div class=" flex items-center space-x-4 rounded-md border p-4"> <x-lucide-bell class="size-4" /> <div class="flex-1 space-y-1"> <p class="text-sm font-medium leading-none"> Push Notifications </p> <p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground"> Send notifications to device. </p> </div> <x-switch /> </div> <div> @foreach ($notifications as $notification) <div class="mb-4 grid grid-cols-[25px_1fr] items-start pb-4 last:mb-0 last:pb-0"> <span class="flex h-2 w-2 translate-y-1 rounded-full bg-sky-500"></span> <div class="space-y-1"> <p class="text-sm font-medium leading-none"> {{ $notification->title }} </p> <p class="text-sm text-muted-foreground"> {{ $notification->description }} </p> </div> </div> @endforeach </div> </x-card.content> <x-card.footer> <x-button class="w-full"> <x-lucide-check class="mr-2 h-4 w-4" /> Mark all as read </x-button> </x-card.footer></x-card>
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